Thursday, May 4, 2017

Chapter 11 and 12

Nordstrom utilizes their mission statement in every part of the business that they do by always putting the customer first. One of the main key activities of a successful leader is setting a direction. The direction that Nordstrom chooses to focus on creates a daily goal, but also long-term to sustain Nordstrom’s missions is “to provide outstanding customer service every day, one customer at a time.” Their customer service model is not complex, but rather it is simply to do the right thing. This not only makes ethical decisions easier to make, but also reflects autonomy and creativity within all levels of the firm. Nordstrom also sets up a culture leveraging the independence of every employee with excellence and ethical as their bottom line. As previously mentioned, Nordstrom also uses an upside triangle approach to organizational structure where employees are at the top and executives are at the bottom. This not only empowers employees to work their best, but also creates a sense of ownership and commitment to the firm.

Innovation is one of the reasons why Nordstrom has been able to sustain and grow within the retail industry. When looking to expand into other designers, Nordstrom is constantly using an agile approach to fit the needs of customers before they even know what they want. Although Nordstrom is not afraid to continue products that are successful, but they are fearless in their ability to gain new and upcoming designers to retain fresh ideas while balancing the continuation of successful product lines.